A new dawn in Africa.

ATBAB International is an African Christian aid organisation focused on Africa with offices in Kenya and the United Kingdom.


ATBAB was founded to help realise the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in Africa. Our work is centred on providing perpetual funding to grow local church mission from the bottom up.

Our projects have so far been concentrated in Kenya and Uganda with others set to proceed in Nigeria and across Africa.

The approach of ATBAB is rooted in the New Commandment of Jesus to ‘love one another’.

For us, this means local churches, businesses and people recognising the importance of seeing the happiness and joy they can create in others, and benefits this can bring for all. This paradigm shift creates a win-win-win relationship for all those involved.

ATBAB projects create retail discounts for people that improve their standard of living; increase revenues and footfall of motivated customers for retailers; and support churches with reliable funding and positive community interactions that can lead to opportunities for evangelism.

Jesus said “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” – please join us in prayer and as a church, retailer or volunteer, and help us realise a new dawn in Africa.

If you are an African Pastor or Retailer who is interested in benefiting from increased footfall and revenue in Kenya, Uganda or Nigeria then please email us for the attention of:

Ms Phoebe Adhiambo Omolo, Finance Director (Certified Public Accountant of Kenya)

If you are seeking clarification regarding our agreement with you or any other legal matter then please email us for the attention of:

Ms Beatrice Akinyi Rakuru, Legal Attorney (Lawi Ogutu & Associate Advocates)